


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000282
Invoice Date May 5, 2023
Due Date May 5, 2023
Total Due $0.00
DINO Software Corporation

P.O. Box 7105
Alexandria, VA 22307

Scope of project:
Re-design of the main Dino site and merge the software sites into the main site. All the sub-sites would have their own unique look (as well as their own sub-menu), they would appear visually similar to the current stand-alone website but housed within the MAIN Dino site and would be vastly easier to update and secure (1 site versus 9).

Client Responsibility:

  1. Access to the main DINO Server (or access to the GoDaddy account) that is currently hosting the various Dino websites has been provided
  2. Initial work has been be completed on the StGeorgeDEV Server:
    1. Initial review & revisions were made on 1/13/2023 with Kim Kinsey
  3. We will be migrating the 'Live' Dino site to a 'Staging/Dev' folder on the main DINO server for the build out in the next week
  4. Once the design work and content is uploaded; then styled properly and approved:
    1. The staging site will be cloned back over to the main website
    2. The sub-sites will be backed up and removed
    3. The sub-site URLs will be 'Pointed' to their respective landing pages on the new DINO Site

Costs and launch date: 

  1. It will take roughly 3-months and about 90-hours to transfer and format all the content properly – estimate a launch date of late-February 2023
  2. Cost for this project will be $4,500.00 billed in 3 equal instalments of $1,500.00
  3. Ongoing Website maintenance will be reduced from a Monthly $300 fee to a Quarterly $300 given that there is only one site to maintain
    1. With regard to your regular updates and site content, having one site would facilitate that exponentially

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
30 Website redesign & coding hours

Payment #3 of 3

12.5 Extra Design work, additional graphics & final pre-launch tweaks
1 Q2 Website Management

Quarterly Website Management Fee (Invoiced Quarterly: February; May; August; & November)

Sub Total $2,425.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$2,425.00
Total Due $0.00