


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000247
Invoice Date June 22, 2022
Due Date June 22, 2022
Total Due $0.00
Fire Within

6946 East 4th Avenue
Denver, CO 80220

Scope of Project:

  1. Using existing website, build out multiple pages to increase SEO
    1. NOTE: We will build out the pages in the background and add them to the primary menu once built
    2. This will permit us to add pages & content 'in the background' without adversely affecting a 'Live' website
  2. Primary Pages to be built:
    1. Parts
    2. Repair
    3. Fleet Services
    4. About (history of DunRite, need CJ to help with this)
    5. Contact
  3. Each Primary Page may have 3-5 'Sub-Pages'
  4. Each Primary page will contain a Primary SEO Paragraph to start
    1. Additional content will be added based on client priorities
  5. Working with CJ, we will assemble pictures, content ideas and build out the website
  6. CJ will coordinate with Ajith with regards to page priority for more detail
  7. We will use several 'established' trailer repair & manufacturers websites to help guide us
  8. Once complete & launched, we will add additional 'Topic Specific' Google Ads guiding them to specific pages on the new website
    1. For example, we will add a 'Trailer Parts' Google Ad and point that ad to the newly created 'Parts' page

DELIVERY: End of June 2022 | Will complete full content addition throughout July

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
18 Build out DunRite Trailers Multi-Page Website per scope detailed above

Sub Total $990.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$990.00
Total Due $0.00