


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000285
Invoice Date February 8, 2023
Due Date February 10, 2023
Total Due $0.00
Fire Within

6946 East 4th Avenue
Denver, CO 80220

Scope of Project:

Using existing website, re-design using new, more stable software. We will conduct a complete re-design using professional software over the next 2-months in the hopes of launching an (almost) exact copy that uses newer, faster, and more professional software that will take us past the next 5-years. I used the term ‘almost’ because we can make it look almost identical, but there are some limitations when you use code rather than simply clicking, dragging and pointing something into your overall design.

We have taken GT Metrix and Google PageSpeed Insights as a 'baseline' of the current website's performance and Emailed them to you; we will repeat this process once the new website is complete with the expectation to significantly beat the current page load times; improve upon Google's Cell phone measurement with the goal of hopefully securing a better SEO score.

Delivery Target: End of February 2023

Notes: The new website will be built on a Development server in the UK, we will Email you a URL so you can review as we progress.

Redesign Budget: Total cost will be $5,500.00 and payable as follows:

  • A retainer of $1,250.00 to start the reprogramming
  • $1,500.00 will be invoiced the first week in January 2023
  • The balance of $2, 750.00 will be invoiced once the site has been approved and successfully uploaded on to your servers (estimated February 2023).
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Second installment the redesign of the Fire Within Website per scope detailed above

Staging site:

Sub Total $1,500.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,500.00
Total Due $0.00