


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000320
Invoice Date July 25, 2023
Due Date July 27, 2023
Total Due $7,250.00
Ag Trading Systems, LLC

PO BOX 53156
Lubbock TX, 79453

Redesign and optimize to run seamlessly on Mobile experiences called a WEB-APP and/or Cloud-based trading solution.
The newly configured WEB-APP will run seamlessly on IOS (Apple iPhones & Tablets) and Google Play (Android Devices) using an enhanced GUI (General User Interface) comprised of guided Buttons

  1. This will be a fully functional WEB-APP that will use all of the current website resources and function seamlessly with both Apple and Android/Google mobile products
  2. Private Groups:
    1. Groups must have messaging
    2. Groups must link to Offers & Bids
  3. Trades:
    1. Instant purchases must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    2. Instant sales must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    3. Offers & Bids must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    4. Commodities must be able to be listed directly on the WEB-APP
    5. Private Group Members can Trade/Buy/Sell within their designated Group
  4. Vendor Dashboard
    1. Vendors must have access to their respective 'Vendor Dashboard' using a new GUI
    2. Vendor access must include the ability to list commodities
    3. Vendor access must show basic stats including:
      1. Current Listings
      2. Trades
      3. Sales
      4. Commision due

DELIVERY: Mid-August

NOTE: This is considered a WEB-APP ; it will NOT be available for Free Download on either the Apple or Google store, users will have to join AFE online (on the website using a desktop or they can use their mobile device), be Approved, and then will have the ability to download the Custom WEB-APP Icon directly to their device from the AFE site.


  1. Custom CSS Design Programming - Custom WEB-APP Development: $15,000.00 to $20,000.00
    1. This fee includes all of the last minute changes requested by client to the current AFE site

Payment Schedule (Revised):

  1. A Retainer of $10,500.00 has already been received and appliedĀ 
  2. Additional client requested Coding changes including a PDF attachment of the Final Contract
  3. Upon 'WEB-APP Reveal' for client testing: $5,000.00 (now estimated for late-July)
  4. Balance: Up to $5,000.00 - Upon Final Client sign-off & after any last minute client requested changes and final approvals prior to launch of both Website & Web-App and registering with Google for user tracking
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
175 Total Custom Programming Hours - Client Requested changes

This work performed by St. George and third party providers (overseas contractors). This Invoice will include the Start and End Dates in the Vendor Dashboard Product Upload section, as well as other design changes requested up to 7/20/23; Final invoice amount will be determined and sent after sign-off by client.

115 Paid to Date for Custom Programming Hours - Additional Client Requested changes

Credit for Programming Invoice #:183000315 PAID by client on 7/11/2023

1 Project Management & testing of Client requested changes to date
1 Website and APP Maintenance Fee for August 2023

This will be an ongoing Monthly Management fee to keep both the website and WEB-App up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly as well as to be available to troubleshoot and answer client enquiries & training

Sub Total $7,250.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $7,250.00