


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000370
Invoice Date June 24, 2024
Due Date June 26, 2024
Total Due $5,700.00
Ag Trading Systems, LLC

PO BOX 53156
Lubbock TX, 79453

Programming Hours Detail for the Following Client requested changes:

  1. Final tweaks made to Clients as users in Admin Dashboard
  2. Change so that only Vendors show up in Groups
  3. Modify Groups to show company names
  4. QuickBooks additional coding to reflect. 'A' for Agent and 'V' for vendor
  5. Re-code for if a user places an offer/bid and then deletes the bid, the accept/decline link in the email will no longer be accessible. An error message will be displayed if the user tries to access it.
  6. Display future month with the price type for the request offer/bid product on the product detail page
  7. Change the word ‘Delete’ in the Dashboard to ‘Cancel’
  8. Dashboard changes:
    1. Client column data issue in the dashboard
    2. Add a client column in the incoming bids/offers and my bids/offers page
    3. Removed the client column on the 'My Sales' and 'My Purchase' pages for the vendor user role. For the agent user role, the client column will be displayed
    4. Display 'Trading For' for Agent when Client selected by Agent
    1. There were 5-major updates this quarter, they involve the Vendors Plugin, the BuddyBoss Groups plugin, and a few lesser known plugins that calculate and move information through to all Emails, notices and of course, QuickBooks
    2. Moving forward, we can anticipate conducting a high -level update every 3 or 4-months; basically, all the updates must be tested on the DEV server and then moved individually over to the live site once everything has been tested and passed
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
32 Custom programming and site fixes - see above for details
24 Security Updates

This is a 'recurring', ongoing security practice that requires lots of testing offline; we should be budget that this will occur every 3-4 months and require anywhere from 25 to 35-hours to. complete

1 AFE Project Management, Website & APP Maintenance Fee for May 2024 $1,500.000.00%$1,500.00
Sub Total $5,700.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $5,700.00