


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000368
Invoice Date May 24, 2024
Due Date May 28, 2024
Total Due $7,620.00
Ag Trading Systems, LLC

PO BOX 53156
Lubbock TX, 79453

Programming Hours Detail for the Following Client requested changes:

  1. Final tweaks made to Clients as users in Admin Dashboard
  2. Add 'Approximate Units Per Mode’ field when select "Trucks" and "Railcars" Mode’. And display this field data on the site.
    1. Calculate Commissions based on the "Approximate Units Per Mode" and "Mode" fields
    2. Send Units and “Approximate Unites Per Mode” in QB (We have send the units value and “Approximate Unites Per Mode”
    3. Have QB calculate the correct commissions based on the "Approximate Units Per Mode" and "Mode" fields
  3. QuickBooks additional coding to reflect. 'A' for Agent and 'V' for vendor
  4. Changes to Vendor/Agent Dashboard
  5. Fixes to Emails & PDF
  6. Addition of a 'Now Trading For' notification at the top of the screen for Agents
  7. Fixes to the Agent/Vendor 'Other' company
  8. Added 'Tool-Tips" as requested & made changes to text
  9. Client registration state drop-down
  10. Visual 'Approved/Not Approved' for clients on Admin dashboard
  11. User notifications when "Make Bid”, “Make Offer”, "Request Bid" and "Request Offer"
  12. Final Web-App coding
  13. Final security pre-launch updates
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
68 Custom programming and site fixes - see above for details
12 Final Web-App coding

Most of the work was completed, this was the final tweak to include additions to the site

1 AFE Project Management, Website & APP Maintenance Fee for May 2024 $1,500.000.00%$1,500.00
Sub Total $7,620.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $7,620.00