


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000314
Invoice Date June 7, 2023
Due Date June 9, 2023
Total Due $0.00
Ag Trading Systems, LLC

PO BOX 53156
Lubbock TX, 79453

Redesign and optimize to run seamlessly on Mobile experiences called a WEB-APPĀ  and/or Cloud-based trading solution.
The newly configured WEB-APP will run seamlessly on IOS (Apple iPhones & Tablets) and Google Play (Android Devices) using an enhanced GUI (General User Interface) comprised of guided Buttons

  1. This will be a fully functional WEB-APP that will use all of the current website resources and function seamlessly with both Apple and Android/Google mobile products
  2. Private Groups:
    1. Groups must have messaging
    2. Groups must link to Offers & Bids
  3. Trades:
    1. Instant purchases must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    2. Instant sales must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    3. Offers & Bids must be able to be made directly from the WEB-APP
    4. Commodities must be able to be listed directly on the WEB-APP
    5. Private Group Members can Trade/Buy/Sell within their designated Group
  4. Vendor Dashboard
    1. Vendors must have access to their respective 'Vendor Dashboard' using a new GUI
    2. Vendor access must include the ability to list commodities
    3. Vendor access must show basic stats including:
      1. Current Listings
      2. Trades
      3. Sales
      4. Commision due


NOTE: This is considered a WEB-APP ; it will NOT be available for Free Download on either the Apple or Google store, users will have to join AFE online (on the website using a desktop or they can use their mobile device), be Approved, and then will have the ability to download the Custom WEB-APP Icon directly to their device from the AFE site.


  1. Custom CSS Design Programming - Custom WEB-APP Development: $15,000.00 to $20,000.00
    1. This fee includes all of the last minute changes requested by client to the current AFE site

Payment Schedule:

  1. A Retainer of $10,500.00 has already been received and appliedĀ 
  2. Upon 'WEB-APP Reveal' for client testing: $5,000.00 (estimated for early to mid-July)
  3. Balance: Up to $5,000.00 - Upon Final Client sign-off & after any last minute client requested changes and final approvals prior to launch of both Website & Web-App and registering with Google for user tracking
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Retainer for Custom Programming - Custom APP Development

This work performed by St. George and third party providers (overseas contractors)

Sub Total $10,500.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$10,500.00
Total Due $0.00