


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000174
Invoice Date June 28, 2021
Due Date June 28, 2021
Total Due $2,000.00
American IT Management (AIM)

3975 N. Ann Ave Fresno, CA 93727

Scope of work:

Suppliers can sign-in and sell their commodities:

  • Cotton gins
  • Oil mills
  • Resellers
  • Feed Mills
  • Corn/soybean processors
  • Farmers
  • Anybody with a product they wanted to sell

Buyers can buy commodities and receive discounts based on volume/client/preferred status (set by ADMIN)

  • Dairies
  • Feedyards
  • Chicken farms
  • Resellers
  • Oil mills
  • Feed mills
  • Ranchers
  • Hog farms
  • Anybody looking to purchase feed

For the most part buyers would sign up as buyers and sellers as sellers.

But as you can see, some will be both buyers and sellers.

Some(oil mills, feed mills) buy raw commodities and process them into other commodities they could then sell on the platform.

Resellers do both buying and selling at all times.

Completed sales will be sent to vendor by Email & SMS Text

Commissions on vendors are individually adjusted

Each entity would setup their profile upon signing up.

There will be a whole lot of moving parts/parameters to setup.

For instance:

  • Commodity type (could be up to 30 different commodities)
  • Volume of commodity needed
  • Geographical point of origin/destination (could be up to 50 of these origin/destinations)
  • Shipment time period of commodity (any combination over the next 12-16 months)
  • Filter of which buyers/sellers they want to see the bid/offer(some sellers will not want to show numbers to certain buyers that have a bad reputation of not paying in a timely manner)
  • Price of bid/offer
  • Delivery method
  • Payment terms
  • Trade rules to govern

Total cost $8,000.00 paid as follows:

  1. $4,000.00 retainer
  2. $2,000 once website is completed, beta tested with client and ready to stage on server
  3. $2,000.00 upon completion
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Commodity E-Commerce website is completed, beta tested with client and ready to stage on server

Register; assign an SSL; assign to Dynamic hosting plan; build out WordPress/WooCommerce powered website per scope aboveexisting website.

Sub Total $2,000.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $2,000.00