1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101
Tax ID: 47-3917946
Invoice Number | INV-183000107 |
Invoice Date | July 22, 2020 |
Due Date | July 24, 2020 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | Brochure Design - Oahu Rock Design 'Tri-Fold' brochure, 8.5x11 overall, with client input, pictures; and supply client with print ready files |
$350.00 | 0.00% | $350.00 |
Sub Total | $350.00 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Paid | -$350.00 |
Total Due | $0.00 |