


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000119
Invoice Date September 25, 2020
Due Date September 25, 2020
Total Due $0.00
O.L.I.V.E. Charitable Organization

330 South C Street
Madera, CA 93638

Project Scope:

  1. Build out a fully functional, content managed website that will have these features integrated:
    1. Multiple pages based on your primary menu items
    2. Auction plugin
    3. E-commerce plugin
    4. Testimonial plugin
    5. Contact Form plugin
    6. Full training via phone/zoom meetings
  2. The cost for this service will be $1,995.00 and include all plugin licenses
    1. A retainer of $995.00 is required to start this project
    2. Balance of $1,000.00 will be invoiced in two equal amounts of $500.00; with the final $500.00 invoice due upon approval of the website
  3. Staging: The website build will be staged on James Morgan's/DYNAMIC secure servers, upon approval, the website will be turned over to you complete with Admin rights
  4. Build time: 4-6 weeks provided that you provide required items in a timely manner
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Final Payment

This is the FINAL of THREE PAYMENTS for our services, You have been set up as an ADMIN to update the website and we will continue to work with you to update and train as your needs & schedule require

1 Complete E-Commerce webiste with Integrated Online store, merchant Account integration, and Auction Feature
1 Programing 'Donation' for OLIVE

Donation of Time and Programming services to OLIVE Foundation

Sub Total $1,995.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,995.00
Total Due $0.00