


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000113
Invoice Date August 17, 2020
Due Date August 17, 2020
Total Due $0.00
O.L.I.V.E. Charitable Organization

330 South C Street
Madera, CA 93638

Project Scope:

  1. Build out a fully functional, content managed website that will have these features integrated:
    1. Multiple pages based on your primary menu items
    2. Auction plugin
    3. E-commerce plugin
    4. Testimonial plugin
    5. Contact Form plugin
    6. Full training via phone/zoom meetings
  2. The cost for this service will be $1,995.00 and include all plugin licenses
    1. A retainer of $995.00 is required to start this project
    2. Balance of $1,000.00 will be invoiced in two equal amounts of $500.00; with the final $500.00 invoice due upon approval of the website
  3. Staging: The website build will be staged on James Morgan's/DYNAMIC secure servers, upon approval, the website will be turned over to you complete with Admin rights
  4. Build time: 4-6 weeks provided that you provide required items in a timely manner
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Second Payment

This is the SECOND of THREE PAYMENTS for our services, a follow-up invoice for $500.00 will be billed upon completion and approval of the website build. You will receive a unique URL in a few days so that you and your stake-holders can follow the build-out/progress online in real-time

Sub Total $500.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$500.00
Total Due $0.00