


1207 Sycamore St.
Ashland, KY 41101

Tax ID: 47-3917946

Invoice Number INV-183000111
Invoice Date August 7, 2020
Due Date August 14, 2020
Total Due $0.00
Texas Healthcare Neck and Back Clinics, P.A.

6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 200W
Dallas 75214

This is a Two-Phase Project: Phase 1 - and Phase 2 -

Phase 1 - | Landing Page Website

Build, propagate and add content to; see sample page set up at:

Client to provide:

  1. Additional content as required
  2. Contact Form direction (where does this form go once completed)
  3. A 'Unique' phone number that will be reserved for use on this web page
  4. Services to be featured (3 'key' services to drive higher response)

St. George Designs to provide:

  1. Complete design of micro site with an eye towards redesign of main site
    • Site design to be fully 'mobile' compatible
    • All photographs used to be licensed by Adobe Stock for Internet use
  2. Rich, SEO based content with multiple meta insertions
  3. Registering site with Google Analytics, Webmaster tools and Adwords at clients direction
  4. Complete training on:
    1. Setting up Google Adwords Program
    2. Selecting & bidding on appropriate keywords
    3. Monitoring and refining ad program

Landing Page Build & Implementation: 1-week delivery to Client Servers based on client producing required content.

Phase 2 -| Website Redesign

To design and build out a website that accomplishes the following:

  1. Complete website re-design to HTML5/6/7 standards (desktop & mobile compatible)
  2. Create client 'video' page with embedded YouTube Videos
  3. Integrate interactive Patient Contact Form
  4. Test and train with clients

Website Build & Implementation:

  1. Upon approval of proposal and payment of retainer, we shall:
    • Start building a 'wire-frame' version of the website on our development servers
    • Test & review of version #1 (styling/functionality)
  2. Once base testing is completed and approved, we shall:
    • Build out the complete website on the development server
    • Link registered You Tube videos
    • Build out an interactive patient submission form
    • Run a full mock-up "LIVE" test
    • Projected completion date is 2-3 weeks after phase 1 is approved
  3. Once the completed website has been successfully built and tested, we shall:
    • Upon client approval, back up and migrate the website onto clients hosting servers
    • This is done within 48-hours of approval, usually over a weekend
    • Complete training and testing/troubleshooting with client

Design Fees and Payment Schedule: $4,775.00 paid as follows:

  1. $775.00 retainer to commence build out of the wireframe on our development servers
  2. Balance ($4,000.00) shall be paid in 5 (Five) installments of $800.00 per month starting on or about May 15th for five (5) monthly payments

Other costs:
Client will be responsible for the following ongoing costs:

  1. Hosting plan (estimated $60-$120 annually)
  2. SSL Certificate attached to the hosting server ($65-$125)

Optional Website Management Service:
Some of our clients manage their own websites and full training is included in the cost of this project. We also offer 'remote' website management services, (we become your 'webmaster' and do all the work of maintaining and updating your website), with fees ranging from monthly ($250-$500/month) to Quarterly ($300-$500/quarter). This is an optional offering depending how much or how little you wish to be involved in your websites everyday management. There is no charge for this service during the five-month payment period in order to 'learn' how many, or how few services are required as well as how we 'get along' with updates and adding content to the website.

Thank you for your consideration, please contact with any questions.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 August Monthly Payment For Website Design Services - Payment #3 of 5 $800.000.00%$800.00
Sub Total $800.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$800.00
Total Due $0.00